Getting up speed with Git

A scratchpad of ideas

In the previous chapters, all basic topics were convered. Git has many command options, and in this final page some of those are listed.

Feel free to pick only a few to improve your workflow.

Tricks by category

Adding files

git add -u              # add all updated files
git add .               # add all files in the current folder only
git add -n              # see what will be added (--dry-run)

Removing files

git rm --cached         # remove a file from git without deleting it
git clean               # remove untracked files


git commit --author=".."  # commit a patch with correct author
git commit -v            # show the diff within the commit message editor
git commit --amend       # fix a previous commit (only if not pushed!)

git commit -c commit      # use an old commit message (--reedit-message=...)


git branch -a               # view all branches
git branch -r               # view remote branches
git branch --merged         # view branches which are merged into the current
git branch --no-merged      # view branches which are not merged into the current

git branch name commit       # create a branch with different start point

git checkout -b branch       # create a branch, and switch to it
git checkout -t origin/name   # quickly start working from a remote branch

git checkout -              # switch to the previous branch (like cd -)


git diff .                 # show diffs of the current folder only
git diff --stat            # show a diffstat
git diff --name-status     # show filename + status like svn

git diff --diff-filter=R   # show renamed files only

git show commit             # show one commit
git show v2.6.15:a.txt       # show old version of a file


git log --decorate                  # show branch/tag labels
git log -p -C                       # show patches, detect file renames
git log --name-status               # show filename + status like svn

git log --stat                      # show a diffstat for each commit
git log --all --graph --decorate    # show all branches in a graph 

git log --simplify-by-decoration    # show branch start points only
git log --no-merges                 # hide merge commits

git log --oneline --name-only from^  # show changed files per commit

git log --format='%h %an %ar - %s'  # timeline with x days ago, etc...

git log origin/master..HEAD         # show new changes in HEAD, not found in origin/master
git log HEAD..origin/master         # show newly fetched changes (HEAD can be omitted)

git shortlog ..origin/master        # summarize fetched changes
git shortlog -n 10                  # summarize last 10 commits
git shortlog -n 10 -s               # show authors of last 10 commits

git blame file                       # find who changed which line
git blame -C file                    # detect lines which are moved or copied between files

Undoing changes

git checkout -- file          # discard all changes of a file
git checkout --patch -- file  # discard parts of a file
git checkout commit -- file    # extract an old file version

git revert                    # make a commit which reverts something

git reset HEAD                # unstage something (uses --mixed)
git reset --hard HEAD         # discard all local changes

Rewriting history

git commit --amend            # correct the previous commit, with the staged changes

git reset HEAD^               # forget about a commit, load it back into the staging area
git reset --soft HEAD^        # remove a commit, keep staged and working changes
git reset --hard HEAD^        # remove a commit, delete working copy changes and staged changes

git reset --hard ORIG_HEAD    # forget about a merge or rebase, get back to the old HEAD

git rebase -i origin/master   # rewrite history of new commits 

Patch files

git format-patch -o outputdir    # export each commit as patch file

git apply patchfile            # apply a patch to the working tree
git am *.patch                 # apply patches from mbox files
git am maildir/                # apply patches from a maildir


git grep                  # search through tracked files
git grep -p               # show function name (--show-function)
git grep v2.6.15 "foo()"    # search old tree for "foo()"

git log -Stext             # search through all commits for a changed text

git bisect                # find which revision contains a bug (see 1, 2)

Shares repositories

git clone --bare dir1 dir2   # convert a repository to a "bare" repository

git remote add aliasname url  # add a remote repository

git push origin master        # push master branch
git push origin master:master  # the same
git push origin :branch       # delete remote branch
git push origin :            # push matching branches (the default)
git push -f                 # force overwriting remote changes (careful!)


Stash implementation detail
Note that the git stash save works internally by creating a temporary branch. This is visible in the output of git log --all.
git stash branch branchname   # make a new branch, apply the stash there

Listing files

git ls-files --others        # show untracked files
git ls-files --deleted       # show deleted files
git ls-files --unmerged      # show unmerged files

Making releases

git archive --format=tar --prefix=myproject-2.0 v2.0 \
  | gzip > mycode-2.0.tar.gz    # export the tag v2.0 as archive

git tag                       # list all tags
git tag name                  # create a light tag (just a reference)
git tag -a name               # create a annotated tag (with message)
git tag -s name               # create a GPG signed tag, with message
git tag -d name               # delete tag

git push --tags               # push tags

Useful aliases

Here is an overview of all aliases, including those used in the previous pages:

# for convenience:
git config --global           "status"
git config --global  alias.staged       "diff --staged"
git config --global  alias.unstage      "reset HEAD"
git config --global  alias.up           "pull --rebase"

# memnonics
git config --global  alias.diff-all     "diff HEAD"

# nice output info:
git config --global  alias.log-graph    "log --all --graph --decorate"
git config --global  alias.log-refs     "log --all --graph --decorate --oneline --simplify-by-decoration --no-merges"
git config --global  alias.log-timeline "log --format='%h %an %ar - %s'"
git config --global  alias.diff-stat    "diff -b --stat"

# finding new commits:
git config --global  alias.log-local    "log --oneline origin..HEAD"
git config --global  alias.log-fetched  "log --oneline HEAD..origin/master"

Referencing commits

More referencing syntax

The rev-parse manual provides more obscure syntax notations, including:

HEAD@{date} select a date.
HEAD@{1.month.ago} starts a month ago.
:/str commit message starting with str.

Branch names

The name HEAD always points to your current location; e.g. the last commit of your current branch. Remote locations are written in the form location/branch, for example origin/master.

Visiting parents

A parent commit can be referenced by HEAD^, the grantparent is HEAD^^ or HEAD~2.

When a commit has two parents, HEAD^2 selects the second one.

Previous values

The syntax HEAD@{1} refers to the previous value of HEAD. This is used by the reflog.


The syntax first..second takes all commits which lead to second, except those which lead to first. It's the same as: ^first second. Likewise, first^..second takes all commits which lead to second, except those with lead to the parent of first; theirby including first.

The syntax first...second takes all commits from both branches, except those from the common branch point.

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